The main objective of the Department is to provide services in the field of engineering and industrial geodesy, including complete management as regards hydrotechnical investments, industrial investments, municipal investments, road investment and bridge investments as well as performing measurements during the operation of these facilities: measuring strains and displacements of the buildings and equipment, verticality of the chimneys, overhead travelling crane roadway road, industrial buildings measurements.
Modern world is full of innovations and automation. At the same time the level of teaching decreases, it is not easy to find a professional engineer. Department of Construction Surveys is a recognized foothold of knowledge and skills gained by completing hundreds of successful projects, high-class specialists and modern equipment.
Huge construction sites serve as our second home. We have a unique (as far as Polish reality is concerned) experience in comprehensive service of hydrotechnical investments. We participated in the construction of dams in Dobczyce, Czorsztyn, Klimkówka and now you can meet us in Świnna Poreba. We permanently control measurements for the dam in Niedzica, dam in Sromowce and Czorsztyn as well as hydropower complex Porąbka-Żar in Międzybrodzie Bialskie.
We provide services to large industrial facilities like steel mills and power plants. Not only did we build Nowa Huta steelworks, but we are there every day, although the reality has changed. For years long-lasting contracts on servicing Power Plant Jaworzno III were our flagship. We are no stranger to investments concerning roads, bridges and utilities.
We take care of the entire construction process, starting from preparatory works, including analyzes of ownership, by preparing maps for projects, maintenance of construction work, ending with as-built geodesic inventory.
We are specialists both as regards the implementation phase as well as the operation phase in the facility, performing highly specialized observations and measurements.
Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej (Regional Water Management) in Krakow
Zespół Elektrowni Wodnych (Hydropower Complex) Niedzica S.A.
PGE Energia Odnawialna S.A. (branch ZEW Porąbka Żar in Międzybrodzie Bialskie)
Skanska S.A. (in Warsaw – branch of Engineering Construction / in Krakow/)
TAURON Wytwarzanie S. A. (branch Power Plant Jaworzno III in Jaworzno)
ArcelorMittal Poland S.A
STRABAG Sp. z o.o.
Mota-Engil Central Europe S.A.
Śląski Zarząd Melioracji i Urządzeń Wodnych S.A. (Silesian Management Board of Amelioration and Water Devices S.A.)
tel: 12 422 37 04
e-mail: tr@opgk.krakow.pl
Comprehensive service concerning the investment in the field:
Up to date service of facilities during their operation:
Geodetic and legal support of businesses, governmental units and design offices
ul. Karola Łowińskiego 7E
31-752 Kraków
Tel. 12 421-09-83
Tel. 12 421-41-22
Fax. 12
e-mail: opgk@opgk.krakow.pl